We empower learners to build their futures and contribute to a better world.
AISB students experience
Our curriculum is based on clearly articulated, internationally benchmarked standards. We emphasize critical thinking skills and creativity through an inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning.
AISB students create, perform, analyze, and respond to music, theater, visual, and media arts, developing in-depth skills in at least one art form. We value art as an expression of human experience and encourage our students to apply their artistic knowledge and skills throughout their lifetimes.
Service Learning makes curricular connections and helps students identify genuine needs in their local community and in the larger world. Our program supports the AISB Mission by preparing our students to be responsible global citizens.
AISB offers a wide range of athletic and co-curricular activities for students to explore possibilities and improve their existing skills. We provide students with opportunities to discover new areas of interest, engage in healthy competition and pursue their passions.
The opportunity to meet new people at AISB is truly amazing. The diversity here is unique!
Grade 11 Student
The teachers at AISB want to be there. They visibly care about the individual child. They notice them, listen to them, and advocate for them. They love them - and kids feel it. I wish every single child in the world could have this sort of experience.
Elementary School Parent